A2 turned 3! His latest infatuation is with Captain America, and anything super hero related. He and his sisters raid my pots and pans cabinet and use my pot lids for shields. What a better way to play on that than Super Hero Party! I sent out an evite to join us for super hero training camp. I purchased 6 yards of felt fabric and made 24 capes. My kiddos got custom made ones, they picked out their colors and patterns, but everyone else I just made a bunch of generic shapes. I ordered a pinata and some table covers from Oriental Trading Co. For the picture booth and jail I went to the Sears distribution center and got the super thick honeycomb cardboard. I cut out a city scape and covered it with a black plastic table cloth from the dollar store. For the front city, I picked up a presentation board that was already black. Add some post its for the city lights, and a blue table cloth behind it all and TA DA! Pictures from it turned out great. I made a bunch of cupcakes, and our family punch.
As kids arrived they decorated a mask and picked out a cape. They where then ushered over to the picture area. As soon as they where done they went outside. My oldest kids helped out. I picked up silly string from the dollar store and the kids played target practice with it. Hubby and his friends were given black capes. I told all the kids to keep an eye out for the bad guys in the black capes. Hubby would go around and harass the kids, then the kids would chase him around, catch him and take him to the cardboard jail.
They learned how to tie up the bad guys with paper streamers. They played this way for an hour or so. We then moved onto the pinata. I really build the suspense for it! Hubby and his friend hid behind the cars. I told the kids to keep a close eye out for those bad guys. As my back was turned and I was giving directions about the pinata, they snuck up and snatched it. They took off into the woods with 25 kids tearing after them. The men put up a good fight but where overpowered by the kids, tied up and hauled off to jail! The kids had such a great time, so did we. Watch all this kiddos laugh and play, no arguing.
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Kids came in to make their masks and capes. |
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Hubby and one of his friends getting tied up. |
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He was so sweet, having everyone sing to him embarrassed him. |
We are blessed with such an amazing group of families.

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Captured! |
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A and hubby with the pinata...He got a Captain America sweatshirt for his birthday. |